Montana Parents, Youth and Communities:
Last October a decision was made by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that has the ability to affect every child in the United States. It was decided that rugby will return as an Olympic sport for the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro. We can now make a statement that we have wanted to make for years:
Today’s youth will be tomorrow’s rugby Olympians
In your role, you have the unique opportunity to introduce the youth of America to the newest Olympic sport. You may be thinking, “That’s great, but how does a kid start playing rugby?” The answer may be simpler than you think.
There are grassroots rugby communities all over the country that are motivated to help new programs and talents emerge in order to grow the sport they love.
As you know, sports are an incredible outlet for kids. Sports show kids that through hard work and dedication, anything is possible. Team sports develop social and leadership skills that are necessary to become a positive member of society. Rugby is, in many ways, the ultimate team sport.
Rugby is played by four million athletes world-wide and is filled with fast-paced action, decision making, strategy, inclusiveness, and fun! Kids all over the United States are becoming involved in both the non-contact and contact forms of rugby in schools, after-school programs, community organizations, summer leagues, camps, and backyards.
This is how you can get involved today…
Step 1: Learn what rugby is all about. Visit to learn all about rugby and download various resources for any level of Rookie Rugby (Non-contact, Co-ed) through High School and College. Here you will find curriculum for P.E. and athletic programs, posters, guidebooks, and much more. You can also check out some educational rugby videos at
Step 2: Get in touch with a local representative who can help you get a program off the ground by introducing rugby into your classroom, program, or organization. These individuals have vast rugby experience and are well-versed in introducing rugby to novices. These experts will help you feel comfortable with the game.
- Your local contact is: Montana Youth Rugby Association
Step 3: Pick up the ball and run with it!
Thank you for your time and I hope that you will see rugby as an excellent opportunity to change a child’s life through sport. We look forward to working with you!
Misty Zahn, Administrator, Montana Youth Rugby Association
Twitter: @MTYouthRugby